The Government Facilities Sector comprises many different types of buildings, both within the US and abroad, owned or rented by various levels of government – federal, state, local, and tribal. Some of these facilities are open to the public for various activities – business dealings, commerce, and leisure. Conversely, some facilities are not publicly accessible due to the sensitive nature of the materials or information they contain, or the equipment and processes they house. Structures include commonplace office spaces and specialized military bases, courthouses, embassies, and national labs. Cyber elements that ensure the sector’s security are also part of this sector, which includes access control and closed-circuit TV systems, as well as individuals with key knowledge.
The Education Facilities Subsector encompasses schools for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, higher education institutions, and business and trade schools. This subsector includes both privately-owned and government-owned facilities.
The National Monuments and Icons Subsector contains a diverse assortment of assets, networks, systems, and functions located across the United States. Many of these assets are listed in either the National Register of Historic Places or the List of National Historic Landmarks.