Friends of Arizona InfraGard

Arizona InfraGard would like to acknowledge the vast contributions of our members. Through our collective efforts, we have taken a leadership role in protecting the region for the last decade. We hope you have experienced our world-class events, training and education programs firsthand, and found them to be highly beneficial.

While there is no cost associated with InfraGard membership, your donation is a force multiplier in enabling us to accomplish our mission of mitigating criminal and terrorist threats, as well as natural disasters. As a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, InfraGard truly appreciates the generosity of our individual members in helping to defray the costs of chapter activities and programs.

As we look to the future, the Arizona region will continue to face threats to safety and security. InfraGard will remain vigilant in providing the knowledge, resources and collaboration necessary to protect critical infrastructure and the American people. We hope you will consider making a donation through the Friends of InfraGard program to support us in our efforts.

Simply complete the form below to make your individual, tax-deductible donation to Arizona InfraGard.

friends of infragard application

* If your desired contribution amount exceeds $250, please contact InfraGard Sponsorship Chair DETAIL NEEDED at [email protected] to arrange your donation.

Contact Us

Arizona InfraGard
PO Box 16174
Phoenix, AZ 85011-6174

By Email:

Email Arizona InfraGard