Defense Industrial Base Sector

Sector Chiefs:


Sector Overview

The Defense Industrial Base Sector is a global industrial network that provides the foundation for research, development, design, manufacture, delivery, and maintenance of military weapons systems, components and parts in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. military. The complex partnership involves the Department of Defense, a myriad of Defense Industrial Base companies numbering over 100,000 along with their respective subcontractors who operate under the contract of Department of Defense. In addition, it encompasses companies providing supplementary materials and services to the same organization, inclusive of both government-owned/contractor-operated and government-owned/government-operated facilities.

This extensive sector includes both domestic and international entities, possessing production assets distributed across several nations. The scope of the products and services offered by the Defense Industrial Base Sector is vast, providing everything necessary to mobilize, deploy, and sustain military operations as demanded.

It is critical to note that the Defense Industrial Base Sector does not cover the commercial infrastructure that is indispensable for provision of services such as power supply, communication facilities, transport facilities or utilities that are utilized to facilitate military operational requirements by the Department of Defense. These elements of commercial infrastructure fall under other specific Sector-Specific Agencies’ jurisdiction.